Events - Representing Cantine del Notaio at Blenheim Palace

It's funny how things work. Last night I attended the gala dinner of the Literature, film and culture festival at Blenheim Palace on behalf of Cantine del Notaio, a winery very close to my heart.

Back in 2007, while discovering the villages of my grandfather's childhood, I had the kind of wine moment that shapes the future. All students of the grape carry one of these defining experiences with them, but mine was undoubtedly a chance happening with Gerardo Giuratrabocchetti and his exceptional Aglianico del Vulture. In his 17th century cellars, cut deep into the tufo rock beneath the town of Rionero, he introduced me to his wines and the values and philosophy behind his work. I knew back then a life in wine lay ahead.

So, a decade on, it was an absolute honour to represent CantineDelNotaio at a gala dinner at Blenheim Palace and introduce their fabulous wines to distinguished guests, amongst whom sat HRH the Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Marlborough. Seeing a wine that carries such personal symbolism poured in the lofty settings of the British establishment inspired much reflection, notably, just how weird and wonderful the wine world can be.