Region Guide: Transylvania, Romania
Aiud DOC | Alba DOC | Lechinta DOC | Târnave DOC
In many ways Transylvania is one of the world's great undiscovered wine regions. Alongside the beauty of the Carpathian Mountains, the rolling hills of the the Târnave River valley conjure reminders of Tuscany. Were this area to become a patchwork of vineyards, there would be much in it from a scenic perspective.
Situation in the mountainous centre of Romania, there are only around 6500 hectares under vine around half of which is classified as DOC vineyard. The climate is undeniably continental with very hot summers and very cold, snowy winters.
The Tarnave Valley is particularly exciting for its fresh white wines. Around the areas of Blaj and Jidevi there are some respectable but largely commercial wines being made. These currently provide the best introduction to the region's wines.
The most exciting wine story in Transylvania at the moment is the small, boutique Liliac Winery who, with a brand new winery and focus on modern technology, are making very clean, modern wines from both international and local grape varieties.
Recommended Producers: Liliac Winery | Villa Vinea | Crama la Salina | Crama Lechburg